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Are you really
promotion material?

Fill in this short survey to find out:

  • 1. Have you requested a promotion in the last year?
  • 2. Have you ever been rejected for a promotion?
  • 3. Have you ever been offered a promotion?
  • 4. Has a co-worker at the same level ever been promoted instead of you?
  • 5. Has there ever been a position you applied for and didn’t get?
  • 6. Are you hesitant about asking for a promotion for fear of your boss’s response?
  • 7. Have you ever left an organization because you were passed up for promotion there?
  • 8. Do you know if your work environment values you and your work?
  • 9. Do you think that you deserve a promotion?
  • 10. Do you promote your work and yourself at work?
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** Please answer all questions **

My e-Books

I’ve written these practical ebooks to help middle managers get a head start on fast-tracking towards the corner office on their way to tempting career advancement. You’ll find practical advice and tips for the two most critical moments in your career: deciding whether it’s time for a promotion and assuming an executive-level role.


When it comes to career goals for managers, when is the right time to be promoted? And how do you make it happen? Time for Promotion? will help you make sure that you don’t miss that next opportunity. With down-to-earth advice based on over 35 years of experience, I’ll help you focus on the issues you’re facing as you consider making your next career move.

Click here to get Kindle Edition 


So you've just landed your dream job. After the toasts and champagne, it's time to start proving that you're worth it. With the right start, you’ll be recognized by others as a valuable asset to your organization. Based on over 35 years of experience, I’lI provide you with the necessary step-by-step guidance to navigating this exciting, yet challenging period in your career.

Click here to get Kindle Edition 

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Best wishes,



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I’m looking forward to sending you my weekly updates on achieving your next promotion. You’ll be receiving a lot of valuable information designed to get you to the corner office.


I’ve been writing about a variety of topics lately, but I’d love to hear from you. What would you like me to include in my updates that would help you even more? Let me know. 


Enjoy the updates!


Best wishes



P.S. If you’re not interested in a promotion right now, just click the unsubscribe button when you receive your first update...and we’ll meet again!


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Our failures: are they just bad luck?

Careers are messy.


We fail interviews and get passed up for promotions. Our gut reaction is to blame the boss, the interviewer, nepotism, but mostly just plain bad luck.


But is it really that? Bad luck?


Not at all. My 35 years of experience have shown that the first thing you need for success is a very clear picture of yourself, as seen by others.



My advice to you.


Acknowledge who you really are by taking the time to find out how others see you - have a true “look into the mirror.”


Note the differences between the way you see yourself and how others see you.


Work on ensuring that others see you as you would like them to see you...and say goodbye to “bad luck”.


Why not get started now? Click here to receive my Great Managers are Made collection, a series of nine short posts that will put you on the right track towards results-oriented career management.



And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.


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Contact Etika

Do you have any questions about reaching the corner office? Factors affecting career development? Career advancement solutions? Comments about my updates? Suggestions for future updates? Just want to say hello? I’d love to hear from you. I’ll always make time to reply. 


About Etika

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • Looks like I’ll be stuck in this job for the rest of my life.

  • Why was that other guy promoted? I have so much more experience!

  • I’ve got to get past my boss. Otherwise my career will go down the drain.

What are the best job promotion interview answers?

Familiar, right?


These are some of the most common frustrations that middle managers express. They feel destined to remain middle managers, with little or no hope of ever reaching the coveted corner office.


And they’re not wrong. Did you know that a mere 30% of middle managers actually achieve a promotion? Indeed for most, the corner office is just a distant dream…


For over 35 years, I have helped hundreds of managers who’ve just about given up on the chance of promotion to make a turnaround and fulfill their dream - and to learn how to measure success at work. In fact, many top industry executive managers still call me their Dream Maker.


It might sound like magic, but it really isn’t. Getting to the corner office requires both careful planning and putting that plan to work.


In my updates, I’ll be providing you with insights from my sessions with successful managers so that you can use them to achieve your own career dream.


Best wishes always,



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The 5 Career Management Mistakes that will KILL Your Promotion

A shocking 70% of managers worldwide never reach their full potential. While there are endless reasons for such factors affecting career development, most managers seem to make 5 common mistakes. Here are the top 5 mistakes made by managers who fail to advance in their career. Commit these and ensure that you’ll fail, too.


1. Keep doing nothing.

One of the most damaging factors affecting career development is doing nothing. First of all, it’s easier to sit back and let things take their course. But you might actually think that by doing nothing, you are doing the right thing. For example, you might think you’re demonstrating trust in the “natural” promotion process in your organization - or showing respect to your managers, who obviously know better.


Remedy: remove the wool from your eyes and start getting into active mode.


2. Drown in honey.

I’ve been using this colorful expression for decades to describe the situation in which managers find themselves paralyzed by the compliments they receive from their bosses. The sticky, sweet, gold stuff is poured on you so often in the form of positive feedback that you begin to lose sight of what really good performance is - so much that you inevitably “lose your edge” and are objectively no longer suitable for promotion.


Remedy: remember that compliments are good, but don’t let them go to your head.

              Results are what matter.


3. Be like everyone else.

There’s an old Japanese saying: “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” Your organization might value this proverb, especially in the age of company credos, corporate values, cross-functional teamwork, and standardization. However, if you hammer yourself down by downplaying what makes you unique, there won’t be any reason for you to be promoted over others.   


Remedy: be a team player, but don’t miss opportunities to show what you’ve got.


4. Wing internal interviews.

You’ve been eyeing an open position in your organization and are sure that you’re the perfect candidate. You even know the decisionmakers well and are fairly certain that they are familiar with your qualifications. You certainly have the job in the bag, at least compared to any outside candidates. They’re brought in just for formality, right? Wrong. Your company is really looking for the best candidate possible, which, surprise, may not be you. Not if you don’t prepare. As strange as it seems, internal interviewing can be more grueling than interviewing for positions outside of your organization, especially because so much is already known about you. Failing to prepare yourself for an internal interview will surely lead to disappointment.


Remedy: keep in mind that being promoted isn’t a given; competition can be tougher than applying for a position in another organization.



5. Avoid the mirror.    

When you fail to look into the mirror, you never see yourself. More importantly, you don’t see how others perceive you. A good look into the mirror will always reveal your strengths and weaknesses as seen by others. A good look into the mirror will help you understand the differences between how you want to be seen and how you are really seen - thus highlighting the things that need to be changed. Keeping yourself away from the mirror is a surefire way to remain stagnant in your career.


Remedy: acknowledge that when it comes to promotion, it doesn’t matter how you see yourself - only how others see you.


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.


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